Monday, 21 January 2019

A new blog for CAD software programming

First of all, a BIG thank you for everyone who visits this blog. It shows me that the effort I put in this blog is not wasted.

In the beginning, I thought this website did not have visitors.

But in 6 months, this blog has visitors from all over the world which really surprise me!!!

I had written VBA tutorials and want to write more Solidworks macro tutorials in this blog.

But after writing VBA tutorials I found it is a very tedious process for me to write in this blog because of few listed reasons:
  • I am not a professional web developer, so it is difficult for me to those example code as they were in VBA Editor. They are a bunch of HTML code which I need to copy every time and try to present you in such a way that they look like VBA code.
  • I am not a professional blogger, so this process of writing HTML code is very tedious for me and it discourages me for writing more posts.
However to solve this problem I was constantly looking for a better blogging solution which can fit my problems.

After finding the solution I migrate all of my content to a new blog named "The CAD Coder". This new blog is personal in nature where I can as a person help you more.

This new blog will be having new content like tutorials on Solidworks VBA macros and on other CAD packages also.

So, please go to my new blog for more updated content.

See you guys at  The CAD Coder.


1 comment:

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