Wednesday, 2 May 2018

VBA Functions

A function essentially performs a calculation and returns a single value. The SUM function in MS Excel returns the sum of a range of values. The same holds true for functions used in your VBA expressions: Each function does its thing and returns a single value.

The functions you use in VBA can come from two sources:

  • Built-in functions provided by VBA
  • Custom functions that you (or someone else) write, using VBA (this one is more useful in MS Excel not in CAD application).

Built-In VBA Functions

VBA provides numerous built-in functions. Some of these functions take arguments and some do not.

I present a few examples of VBA functions in code. In many of these examples, I use the MsgBox function to display a value in a message box. Yes, MsgBox is a VBA function — a rather unusual one, but a function nonetheless. This useful function displays a message in a pop-up dialog box.

Displaying the system date or time

The first example uses VBA’s Date function to display the current system date in a message box:


Sub ShowDate()
  MsgBox Date
End Sub

Notice that the Date function doesn’t use an argument. A VBA function with no argument doesn’t require an empty set of parentheses. In fact, if you type an empty set of parentheses, the VBE will promptly remove them.

To get the system time, use the Time function. And if you want it all, use the Now function to return both the date and the time.

Finding a string length

The following procedure uses the VBA's Len function, which returns the length of a text string. The Len function takes one argument: the string. When you execute this procedure, the message box displays 11 because the argument has 11 characters.


Sub StringLength()
  Dim MyString As String
  Dim StringLength As Integer
  MyString = “Hello World”
  StringLength = Len(MyString)
  MsgBox StringLength
End Sub

Displaying the integer part of a number

The following procedure uses the Fix function, which returns the integer portion of a value — the value without any decimal digits:


Sub GetIntegerPart()
  Dim MyValue As Double
  Dim IntValue As Integer
  MyValue = 123.456
  IntValue = Fix(MyValue)
  MsgBox IntValue
End Sub

In this case, the message box displays 123.

VBA has a similar function called Int Function. The difference between Int and Fix is how each deals with negative numbers. It’s a subtle difference, but sometimes it’s important.

  • Int Function returns the first negative integer that’s less than or equal to the argument. Int(-123.456) returns -124.
  • Fix Function returns the first negative integer that’s greater than or equal to the argument. Fix(-123.456) returns -123.

Determining a file size

The following Sub procedure displays the size, in bytes, of the executable file. It finds this value by using the FileLen function.


Sub GetFileSize()
  Dim TheFile As String
  TheFile “C:\ProgramFiles\Program File\SolidworksCorp\SLDWORKS.exe”
  MsgBox FileLen(TheFile)
End Sub

Notice that this routine hard codes the filename (that is, it explicitly states the path). Generally, this isn’t a good idea. The file might not be on the C drive, or the Program File folder may have a different location. The following statement shows a better approach:


TheFile = Application.Path & “\SLDWORKS.EXE”

A path is a property of the Application object. It simply returns the name of the folder in which the application (that is, SOLIDWORKS) is installed (without a trailing backslash).

Identifying the type of a selected object

The following procedure uses the TypeName function, which returns the type of the selection (as a string):


Sub ShowSelectionType()
  Dim SelType As String
  SelType = TypeName(Selection)
  MsgBox SelType
End Sub

This could be a Sketch, a Part, an Assembly or any other type of object that can be selected.

The TypeName function is very versatile. You can also use this function to determine the data type of a variable.

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